Our in-house specialist business Enterprise Solutions along with our multidisciplinary teams have the industry-leading skills, experience and expertise required to successfully deliver and commission these complex projects.
They mitigate risk to develop and deliver highly technical solutions that meet the most stringent specifications (laboratory containment, clean room criteria and vibration control, for example), design ambitions and user expectations.
Industry-leading skills, experience and expertise
Our multidisciplinary teams along with our in-house specialist business Enterprise Solutions have the industry-leading skills, experience and expertise required to successfully deliver and commission these complex projects. They mitigate risk to develop and deliver highly technical solutions that meet the most stringent specifications (laboratory containment, clean room criteria and vibration control), design ambitions and user expectations.
We understand the need for early collaboration with stakeholders to balance the interests of all and optimise the capital investment. We have developed and implemented our pioneering offsite manufactured DfMA approach to minimise local disruption, reduce onsite resource requirements, speed project delivery, improve build quality and benefit performance in use.
Life sciences is currently a priority sector for the UK government, with a focus on delivering high quality facilities that enable British scientists to conduct world class research. Our projects within this sector have often been on compact sites, but our manufacturing led approach to delivery helps us overcome this challenge, minimise disruption to neighbours and the public, and stay on programme. A good example of this is the Henry Royce Institute in Manchester, which is situated on a busy, city centre university campus.
Over the last two decades we've worked along some of the UK's leading construction companies to deliver 60 state-of-the-art schools and academies.